Video Advertising & The Human Mind
So, by this point in time, we all know that video is an important part of your overall marketing and advertising strategy (or at least it should be).
“statistics prove that businesses using video grow company revenue 49% faster than companies without video content.”
But, do we really know why? Or how it works? The fact is, video is a powerful tool that not only has the power to evoke serious emotion in the viewer, but it has the power to affect their overall perception of your brand or product. The question that always follows that idea, is how to use video for your brand. Well, like so many other aspects of making your business successful, there is psychology behind video strategy as well. In a recent article by Advertising Age, “The Psychology of Video Advertising,” we learn a little more about defining two different approaches to advertisements.
These two approaches are, the central route and the peripheral route. The author, Tom More, goes on to define them as the following:
“The central route refers to situations whereby the consumer is invested, in the sense that they want or need the product, and thus can make thoughtful decisions based on facts and logic.
The peripheral route is where the receiver does not think carefully about the communication itself, and instead makes decisions based on superficial stimuli, also known as “cues.” Cues can include colors, music, storytelling and more. In the peripheral route, content and facts may be ignored or overlooked.”
“Videos trigger the central route for some people and the peripheral route for others, two avenues that eventually converge with a common goal: to sell a product or service by selling an underlying idea. It’s ideas that evoke specific emotional responses: joy, pride, sadness, anger, laughter, nostalgia, etc. These emotions fuel passion, and drives human behavior while building a brand relationship with an audience.”
Tom used Google’s “Fur Friends” to illustrate the impact of emotional cues to positively impact the viewer about a brand. I mean come on, who wouldn’t love this ad!
He went on to use Intel’s video series titled “Meet the Makers” to show how you can utilize facts and emotion to connect with the viewer. They definitely knocked it out of the park with this campaign.
How can you not be moved by the heart and mind of a young man who has set out to change the lives of others?
When you take into account the psychology behind an advertisement, you can identify your audience and the triggers that will drive them to act as a result of your video. Advertising with video allows you to bring your campaign to life and use psychology to connect with your target audience.
Be sure to check out the full article here! It is wonderfully written and valuable for anyone considering video marketing.