Projects: Form-A-Feed
We had the pleasure of working in conjunction with the talented team at Meta 13 on updating the online presence with a video for the agriculture gurus at Form-A-Feed. While working to overhaul their look, Meta 13 brought us in to collaborate on a new video that showcases the Form-A-Feed mission and services they provide. We set out on a very full production day, making our way to 4 different farms featuring different types of livestock at each. While on location, we were able to capture interviews with both Form-A-Feed team members as well as some producers who benefit from the FAF services. Running simultaneously to the interviews we captured b-roll and photography as well. Even with a little fog and rain, we were able to capture a great deal of footage and photography for the video and new website. We even made a few new friends along the way.
Be sure to check out the brand new website, watch the video and enjoy these behind the scenes shots from our production.