Working closely with wonderful organizations like the YMCA, to help make a difference for those they serve, is a true benefit of this line of work. We have had the continued opportunity to help the Saint Cloud Area YMCA produce video content for their fundraising efforts.
Our team partnered with the marketing team and board members to focus video campaign content around the mission of the Y – The St. Cloud Area Family Y is much more than a community family wellness and fitness facility. It is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring access to quality facilities and programs, regardless of a family or child’s ability to pay. A cornerstone of the Y’s success is the fact that it enriches all members of the St. Cloud community regardless of gender, age, race, religion and economic status.
Looking to create compelling & emotional stories to aid in fundraising, testimonials from impacted families were captured, along with exciting b-roll from around the Y. Multiple production days and camera packages were scheduled to capture as much content as possible.
To learn more about the Saint Cloud Area YMCA’s programs and benefits, visit their site! Saint Cloud Area YMCA